Holly Hunter, an American actor and producer, is renowned for her roles in movies such as Broadcast News The Firm The Piano The Incredibles. Her movie Piano won her an Oscar. In her early years her acclaimed actress started playing on stage for several Broadway or Off Broadway productions. Enthusiastic about acting from her school days she played Helen Keller in a play in fifth grade. The mumps that she contracted left her blind and deaf in one ear. However, she refused to let that to stop her from becoming an actor. She studied drama at college, and then moved to Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania to New York City to follow her goals. She ran into Beth Henley in an elevator and they worked together on Broadway Crimes of the Heart the first movie Hunter made. Her first film role came following her move in Los Angeles. She has since appeared in numerous films and shows and TV films in a long career that spans over three decades. Holly Hunter is a Hollywood Walk of Fame famous person and she has won Women in Film Lucy Award.
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